Our Locations

Bopal Branch
Address: 201, Aarohi Elysium, behind Safal Parisar 1, South Bopal, Bopal, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 382463

Naranpura Branch
Address: 1st Floor, Ramjyot Society, Ankur Cross Road, Naranpura, Ahmedabad, India

Email: contact.nya15@gmail.com
Whatsapp / Call us : +91 97241 38982


Pregnancy Yoga ( Garbh Sanskar )

Pregnency Yoga (Garbha Sanskar ) / Pre Netal & Post Natal Yoga

Child birth is a natural & universal phenomenon& yet the knowledge of it among average women is rather haphazard, incompete or distorted. Nirvikalp Yoga Academy has competency of divine care of respected mother. Yoga Asana, Pranayama, Meditation, Diet, Mantra Chanting is core program is the GrabhaSanskar.

Yogic practices for preparation of body for conceiving, Yogic practices for first three months, Second three months & Third  three months & After delivery of baby Again rest the body, Muscle & Mind is also very important for motherhood.

Nirvikalp Yoga Academy has complete solution of  input the positive personality, Behaviour & character  in the baby & Mother.

To Join Pregnency Yoga (Garbha Sanskar ) / Pre Netal & Post Natal Yoga, Send us your Inquiry, For more information regarding Certified Yoga Teacher Training Course, Yoga Daily General Fitness Yoga at Naranpura or Bopal Branch, Contact us at +91 91733 38982,  92280 38982, 97241 38982

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+91 97241 38982