Our Locations

Bopal Branch
Address: 201, Aarohi Elysium, behind Safal Parisar 1, South Bopal, Bopal, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 382463

Naranpura Branch
Address: 1st Floor, Ramjyot Society, Ankur Cross Road, Naranpura, Ahmedabad, India

Email: contact.nya15@gmail.com
Whatsapp / Call us : +91 97241 38982


100 Hrs – Advance Asana & Pranayama

100 Hrs – Advance Asana & Pranayama

The Pranayama classes cover various techniques like Nadishodhan, Kapalbhati, Bhastrika, Shithali, Shithkari Ujjayi, Chandra Bhedi  Surya Bhedi and Bhramari  is practiced on  where students get a chance to improve their practice without the teacher leading them but the teacher will be present to adjust the postures if necessary.

It is divine experience that helps to develop a  base of inner equilibrium. The eligibility for this course is a sincere desire to learn and discipline to attend all the classes.

To Join 100 Hrs – Advance Asana & Pranayama, Send us your Inquiry at info@nirvikalpyogaacademy.org or Call us at 02717 408982, 92280 38982

Send us your Inquiry, For more information regarding Certified Yoga Teacher Training Course, Yoga Daily General Fitness Yoga at Naranpura or Bopal Branch, Contact us at +91 91733 38982,  92280 38982, 97241 38982

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+91 97241 38982